Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Marley and..... Well, John!

A few years back I had the pleasure of meeting John Grogan and photographing him for Lehigh Valley Magazine. He's a very personable guy. I have to admit (sorry, John!) that I have yet to read the famous book. But a few weeks back, a very good friend and I went to see the movie. What a ride! If you have ever owned/loved pets, especially hard-to-train ones, this story will pull on every string your heart has.

My buddy and writer/co-adventure seeker Luke Rettig wrote the story for Lehigh Valley Mag. Here is a link to his site, and the story he wrote. I encourage you to stroll through his site and take in his other stories; he is quite the wordsmith, and an excellent storyteller. I went back and reread what Luke wrote. That combined with seeing the movie inspired me to finally read John's book, which I've now purchased.

So here are a couple more shots I took of John and his family's new lab, Gracie. She is better behaved than Marley was, and no less loved. I had a great time photographing both of them. I encourage anyone who has yet to read the book, or see the movie, to take it in one way or the other or both. You won't be disappointed!

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